On Track for Change: The Upsides and Downsides of BIPOC-focused Recreation Programming
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- Category: Stories & Highlights
On March 11, 2024, RNS, in solidarity with the Anti-Racism Charter, supported Electric Wheels Jr. Roller Derby Team to offer an introduction to roller derby for BIPOC folks ages 8-17, followed by a free open skate for all.
In a world where diversity and inclusion are increasingly recognized as pillars of a healthy society, the issue of racial marginalization within recreation has come to the forefront. The concept of creating BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) specific programs within the realm of recreation to address different forms of discrimination has sparked a significant debate; the idea hinges on whether such initiatives serve as a leap forward in the fight against racism or if they inadvertently segregate and reinforce tokenism. The following article will delve into the nuanced pros and cons of these initiatives, exploring their effectiveness in promoting anti-racism within the recreation sector while giving insight into BIPOC-specific programming using our recent collaborations with one of our Signatories of our Anti-Racism Charter in Recreation.
To foster a collaborative environment, it is crucial for the recreation sector to adopt and reinforce values of diversity and inclusion before we can even begin tackling anti-racism. Addressing the lack of diversity and inclusion in certain recreation spaces requires a multifaceted approach, including acknowledging historical contexts, promoting diversity in leadership, and ensuring that the narratives of all communities are represented and honoured in collaboration.
In a best-case scenario, you have *folxs who reach out to your organization seeking support with a specific incentive or activity; however, without creating genuine signs of being an anti-racist institution, communities of colour will not likely approach your organization in these ways. Oftentimes, outreach is necessary and can be beneficial when conducted in an informed manner, especially when attempting to build or support communities and diverse-centric events
* Some have adopted the spelling folx as an explicitly inclusive term intended to include groups that are typically marginalized

EDIA Highlight Story: Town of Kentville
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- Category: Stories & Highlights
This month's Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Access (EDIA) success story comes from the Town of Kentville, highlighting their recently established Diversity and Belonging Task Team (DBTT). The Town's Inclusion and Accessibility Advisory Committee has established this ad hoc investigative/research group, which comprises African Nova Scotian, Indigenous, and racialized Kentville citizens and partners tasked with bringing first-voice and cultural representation to the municipality at its fundamental core.
The DBTT currently consists of 11 members representing these groups and their allies. They meet once a month to explore and identify whether African Nova Scotian, Indigenous, and racialized citizens are adequately represented through town governance, policy, services, and programming and build solutions through a collaborative and first-voice perspective to support council and staff initiatives associated with anti-racism, diversity, and cultural celebration.
The values and expectations of the task team include accountability, integrity, diversity, collaboration, confidentiality, and a commitment to serving the public good. Goals include exploring whether racialized citizens and partners feel adequately represented by the Town of Kentville, identifying any barriers they may face, and working with the Town Council and staff to ensure that members of racialized communities feel welcome and comfortable accessing town programs, events, and services.
The DBTT will work with Roxy Peterson, the Town's Neighbourhood Outreach Program Coordinator, to build strong relationships with African Nova Scotian, Indigenous, and racialized citizens. They will engage with these communities to gather thoughts on the Town's engagement strategies and support grassroots events and groups for these communities.
This project has not been without its challenges. Peterson says there needs to be more awareness and understanding of the contributions of African Nova Scotians and Indigenous people's contributions to the community, which has led to misunderstandings, miscommunications, and a loss of history. Additional challenges for the DBTT have been deep-rooted cultural and structural barriers that exist within the Town, which have hindered EDIA efforts in the past, including ingrained biases, traditional power dynamics, and exclusionary practices.
Peterson has gained valuable insights from this process and is eager to share advice with others considering similar projects. He emphasizes the importance of leaders and elected officials demonstrating a commitment to EDIA efforts through their words and actions. This can be achieved by providing necessary resources and professional development opportunities to help leaders understand the significance of EDIA efforts. Peterson also suggests establishing clear success criteria for the EDIA project and regularly reviewing these goals. Furthermore, seeking input from and engaging with diverse communities is recommended, allowing them to share their lived experiences and historical perspectives. Finally, Peterson stresses the importance of acknowledging and valuing diversity in the workplace and communities. He advocates for celebrating and recognizing various cultures and viewpoints, proposing events, cultural awareness days, and recognition programs to honour and appreciate workers' diverse backgrounds.
The DBTT's ultimate goal is to become a standing committee of the Town of Kentville. Peterson emphasizes the importance of this, stating, "This initiative must be fully incorporated into the Town of Kentville's culture and procedures to avoid the risk of being viewed as tokenistic." He explains that the task team focuses on making meaningful changes and not just appearing diverse or inclusive. The next priority for the DBTT is to review the new anti-racism policy that Peterson has written.
Want to contribute your own EDIA success story? Fill out our Stories From Our Sector Form.

RNS Announces New Executive Director
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- Category: News
The Recreation Nova Scotia Board of Directors is pleased to announce Graham Mounsey as the new Executive Director. Graham has been with Recreation Nova Scotia since 2018 and has led and supported various projects, most recently leading the Anti-Racism Charter in Recreation portfolio. Before this, Graham worked with the Scottish Sport Governing Bodies for Basketball and Snowsport in Sport Development, where he helped build participation and develop the workforce amongst clubs. Graham comes to the position with a BSc (Hons) in Applied Sport Science and is pursuing an MA in Leisure Studies at Dalhousie University.
“We are excited to have Graham step into the role of Executive Director,” said Rachel Bedingfield, President of Recreation Nova Scotia, “It’s a critical time for our sector. Communities across Nova Scotia depend on recreation and leisure services to provide safe spaces that support opportunities for community and individual well-being. These past years, we have especially seen our membership provide emergency responses to pandemic needs, climate emergencies, and the housing crisis. Our members are responsible for public parks and conservation awareness, accessibility planning, skill development, community planning strategies and ensuring that Nova Scotians have everything they need to thrive. I am confident that Graham is the leader who will continue to grow our organization to support our members better as the role of recreation continues to evolve in communities throughout our province.”
“I’m delighted to be taking on this role, and I’m really grateful to Rachel and the Board of RNS for their support as I take this step,” said Graham. “There is such great opportunity ahead for Recreation Nova Scotia as we look to renew our strategic plan and find new and improved ways to support the recreation sector across the province meaningfully. I’m thrilled to be able to contribute and serve our members in the Executive Director role and continue to work with the staff and the Board at RNS.”
The Board wishes to thank Marc Seguin for serving in this position for the past two years and for his dedication and support to the organization. We wish him the best of luck on his next adventure.
Graham will begin his new role on June 17, 2024, and can be reached at

EDIA Success Stories
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- Category: News
Recreation Nova Scotia (RNS) looks to highlight EDIA success stories and best practices. Provincial recreation groups and municipal recreation departments are often leaders in EDIA efforts. We want to share ways the industry is breaking barriers for people to access recreation. Complete a short online form to submit your project or practice here.
We may reach out for more information.
Contact Kerri Jack, Inclusion and Accessibility Coordinator for any questions. i

June Education Opportunities
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- Category: News
Join us this June for these education opportunities! Set your team up for success this summer!
Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Training
Whether it’s domestic or family violence, stranger violence, cultural violence, childhood aggression, workplace harassment, mental illness or disorder, sexual assault, or dealing with a bully, a non-violent response can de-escalate a situation that could become dangerous for the individual or the person responding and trying to find a peaceful outcome.
The objective of this training is to provide you with tools that can help you manage those who may be potentially violent either verbally or physically. You will discuss well-tested techniques that may help you become more confident, calm, consistent and successful when interacting with potentially violent individuals.
Thursday, June 27, 2024 - 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Multipurpose Room, RBC Centre,
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
$325 for RNS Members | $350 for non-members
Principles of Healthy Child Development
The Principles of Healthy Child Development (PHCD) is a 4-hour training that equips front-line leaders (anyone working with children aged 4 to 12 – i.e. camp counsellors, coaches, after-school staff, swim instructors, etc.) with the tools to enhance the quality of the programs they are leading. The course provides essential training in the HIGH FIVE Principles of Healthy Child Development so front-line leaders understand what they need to do to ensure each child’s social, emotional and cognitive needs are met.
This training will be offered VIRTUALLY on the following dates:
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 - 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Saturday, June 15, 2024 - 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Wednesday, June 26, 2024 - 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Saturday, June 29, 2024 - 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
$45 for RNS Members | $55 for non-members
Questions? Contact Alan MacKeigan, RNS Education Coordinator at

Burn Safe - Wildfire Prevention
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- Category: News
Nova Scotia is in the heart of wildfire season. The weather is getting warmer and dryer, putting us at greater risk this time of year.
In Nova Scotia, almost all wildfires are caused by people, so prevention is our first line of defence. Wildfire prevention is everyone’s responsibility. Let’s not have another season like last year’s.
Burn restrictions are in place during wildfire season to help protect you and your community. Here’s what you need to know and do:
- No open fire burning is allowed between 8 am and 2 pm because that’s often when the risk of wildfires is greatest. That’s why the BurnSafe map is red during those hours.
Check the map at 2 p.m. daily to see if burning is allowed in your county:
You also need to check municipal bylaws – if they are stricter, they take precedence over provincial burn restrictions.
During wildfire season, burn restrictions apply to domestic open-fire burning. This includes campfires, burn pits, brush burning, backyard fires and bonfires, backyard chiminea and similar appliances.
Burn restrictions do not apply in any federal, provincial, municipal or privately operated campgrounds, as long as the fire is enclosed in grills designed for that purpose.
Learn about preventing wildfire at: