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50 Eileen Stubbs Ave, Unit 136,
Burnside, NS B3B 0M7

Phone: 425-1128
Fax: 422-8201

Recreation Nova Scotia will hold its Annual General Meeting on October 18, 2024, at StFX University in Antigonish. All members in good standing can recommend issues for consideration by the Board of Directors and have the opportunity to shape the direction and priorities of the organization through the presentation of resolutions. Resolutions are formal expressions of views that identify an issue and contain a directive for action.

Policies Regarding the Presentation of Resolutions

  • Resolutions are welcome from any RNS member in good standing.
  •   pdf 2024 Resolution Form (166 KB)
  • Each recommendation must be addressed separately and accompanied by appropriate supporting documentation and implementation recommendations.
  • “Whereas” clauses should be used to outline the principal points supporting or explaining the resolution.
  • Resolutions should be accompanied by a concise summary of background information and supporting documentation.
  • The resolutions will first be considered by the Resolutions Committee, which will make a recommendation to the Board of Directors prior to the AGM.
  • Resolutions will be included on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting.

Resolutions will be accepted up to October 17, 2024 by 5:00 pm. Given that the Resolutions Committee will not have adequate time to research resolutions received within 3 weeks of the AGM, the resolution mover and seconder are responsible for providing adequate detailed background information so that a resolution can be considered at the AGM.

Submission Timelines

If a resolution concerns a by-law change, it must be submitted to the Board by August 19, 2024. The Board is then required to communicate the resolution to the membership 30 days before the AGM. Due to time constraints, resolutions not dealt with at the AGM will be addressed at the next scheduled RNS Board meeting.

How to Submit

Resolutions may be submitted by fax or by mail to the Recreation Nova Scotia office, Attention: Resolutions Committee Chairperson (Clare Steele):

The Process after the AGM

The RNS Board places the approved resolutions on the agenda for their first meeting. At that time, the Board determines whether it has all the information it needs to proceed with action on the resolution or if other information or Board education is needed. Part of this will include considering any implications for RNS. As in the past, anything that needs to be placed before the RNS membership will be brought forward.

Resolution Updates