What’s this?
A fun and interactive learning tool, you could even call it a game!
This game uses cards to represent how a person with mental health challenges might navigate the recreation system available to them, and outlines some of the challenges they may face when doing so. The learning comes from from seeing what barriers people may face, and what supports can be provide to overcome these barriers to participation.
- Because recreation is vital for a healthy, vibrant life.
- Research shows that recreation involvement can be a very important part of recovery from mental illness.
- People in mental health recovery often have barriers to recreation that keep them from participating.
- People in recovery can use many strategies and offer many supports to recreation providers and practitioners to help make recreation accessible.
What will participants get out of using this learning tool?
People in Mental Health Recovery
- Practice problem-solving through barriers to recreation and uncover new strategies to use when doing a recreational activity
- An action planning process kick-starts the process to try a new activity in their own lives
Recreation Providers and Practitioners
- Learn about barriers people in mental health recovery may face in accessing your programs and services
- Understand what support you can offer to help people get to your programs and stay long enough to experience benefits
Who developed this tool?
The Recreation for Mental Health Project Team was formed in 2012. They created this tool to share knowledge generated by the research project about creating welcoming and inclusive environments for people with mental health challenges. Its development has included trials in both recreation practitioner training and in clinical recreation and occupational therapy settings. This tool has been further developed and administered through Recreation Nova Scotia.
How do I order?
Game includes:
- One game mat
- Card decks: Activities, Barriers and Strategies/Supports
- Detailed instructions and discussion guide
[The game] made situations feel relatable.
I love, love, love [this game]. So useful I'd keep it at my center to loan to any community group.
[There are] so many uses for this game. It will be a very effective tool.
[The game] provided an opportunity to think about specific situations.