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BC Recreation and Parks Association E-Learning courses are available for Members of Recreation Nova Scotia at the BCRPA Member rate!

Instructions pdf E-Learning Coupon Codes for Recreation Nova Scotia Members (559 KB)

Visit BCRPA E-Learning to learn more about each course.

If you are registering a group of employees and want to receive one invoice for your organization, please contact Connie Mah, Administrator, BCRPA by email at

Summer Camp Leader Training Courses

Course NameCoupon CodeMember rate (Price of course)
Communication: Having difficult conversations with kids and talking to parents RNS-COMMS $20
Lost Child Supervision Strategies RNS-SUP $20
Physical Literacy & How to Teach It RNS-LIT $20
Physically Distant Camps: Stay safe while keeping the fun and connection RNS-PD $20
Sensory-Friendly Strategies for Supporting Behaviour & Setting Up Your Outdoor Camp for Success RNS-SFS $20
Teaching a Themed Camp: Make yours the one they talk about! RNS-THEME $20
Transitions Between Activities with Ease RNS-TBA $20
Understanding and Intervening with the Explosive Child RNS-INT $20
Leading and Guiding Children - Ways to Improve Your Interactions RNS-GUIDE $20
Positive Behaviour Supports - Building Social Communications RNS-PBS $20

Strategies for Challenging Behaviour Courses

Course NameCoupon CodeMember rate (Price of course)
Proactive Strategies RNS-PRO $35 
The Big 3 RNS-BIG $35
Social-Emotional Learning Part 1 RNS-PART1 $35
Social-Emotional Learning Part 2 RNS-PART2 $35
Case Scenarios RNS-CS $35
What's Up with Bullying? RNS-WUB $35
Supporting Kids with Anxiety RNS-SKA $35

Leadership Courses (Symposium Hot Topic Sessions)

Course NameCoupon CodeMember rate (Price of course)
What Is It Time For? The Magic and Logic of Leadership Post-Pandemic - Presented by Christine McLeod RNS-MAGIC $25
Increasing Our Resilience in Conflict - A Toolkit for All - Presented by Christine McLeod RNS-TOOLKIT $25
Organized Chaos: Post COVID-19 Preparation Tools and New Mindset for Recreation and Parks Presented by Jeff Willis RNS-MIND $25
Cracking the Outdoor Learning Code - Presented by Ted Hagmeier and Carol Sheridan RNS-CODE $25
The Art of Mentoring - Presented by Dene
Providing Dignity Informed Outreach in Our Parks • Presented by Jess Thornbury, Nikki Page, and Kristen Kvakic RNS-REACH $25

Special thanks to BCRPA

BC Recreation and Parks Association