On behalf of the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association (CPRA)
The Framework for Recreation in Canada: Pathways to Wellbeing 2015 (the Framework) was developed and endorsed by federal, provincial, and territorial governments in 2015. Significant change has occurred since 2015 in Canada and worldwide. As a result, CPRA is publishing a Supplement to the 2015 Framework that will (i) reflect the current context; (ii) ensure the Framework is relevant to the sector, and (iii) align with other relevant reports and strategies.
The Supplement, which includes a section of practical actions for each of the Considerations for Action (formerly Priorities), is being created with a projected release date of July 2023. A communications strategy and evaluation plan are also being developed to support the Supplement.
As part of the process to complete the Supplement, CPRA is seeking your feedback through a survey that can be accessed between May 23 and June 7.
It will be helpful for you to have both the draft Framework Supplement and a copy of the original 2015 Framework for Recreation in Canada (as reference, if required) on hand while completing the survey. Documents are also linked in the survey.
Questions? Contact Nacy Dubois at